Calculate your potential return on investment with Swift
Investing in Swift for your clinic can not only provide your patients with a new effective solution for warts and verrucae but provide you with a new income stream for your clinic.
Use our return-on-investment calculator to see how quickly you can make your money back and start generating revenue from your investment in our Swift device.
Based on 3 treatments per patient, your clinic would generate, on average, [currencySign][revenueAverage] per year in annual revenue.
Most importantly, the overall annual profit to your clinic is [currencySign][profitAverage].
Average of all 5 years' gross profit, as detailed in the table.
At [patientsPerWeek] new patients per week, the average cost of the Swift generator over 5 years becomes [currencySign][costPerTreatment] per treatment.
You will spend around [percentageWorkedOnSwift]% of your week on Swift appointments, assuming each appointment is [appointmentTime] minutes.
At [patientsPerWeek] new patients per week, and at a cost of [currencySign][treatmentCharge] per treatment resolution (assuming three treatments per patient), below is a breakdown of the most important business metrics:
Year | Revenue | Expen-dature | Gross profit |
Year | Revenue | Expendature | Gross profit |
1 | [currencySign][revenueYear1] | [currencySign][expendatureYear1] | [currencySign][profitYear1] |
2 | [currencySign][revenueYear2] | [currencySign][expendatureYear2] | [currencySign][profitYear2] |
3 | [currencySign][revenueYear3] | [currencySign][expendatureYear3] | [currencySign][profitYear3] |
4 | [currencySign][revenueYear4] | [currencySign][expendatureYear4] | [currencySign][profitYear4] |
5 | [currencySign][revenueYear5] | [currencySign][expendatureYear5] | [currencySign][profitYear5] |
Total | [currencySign][revenueTotal] | [currencySign][expendatureTotal] | [currencySign][profitTotal] |
Total | [currencySign][revenueTotal] | [currencySign][expendatureTotal] | [currencySign][profitTotal] |
* This figure takes into account all costs related to the Swift treatment with the exception of fixed business costs such as rent and electricity.
Your investment must be sustainable, so please carefully consider your treatment cost and the number of new patients you could see every week if you carried out the Swift treatment. The figures displayed are designed as a guide for planning purposes only, and are subject to change.