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Microwave hyperthermia represses human papillomavirus oncoprotein activity and induces cell death due to cell stress in 3D tissue models of anogenital precancers and cancers (2023)

Microwave hyperthermia represses human papillomavirus oncoprotein activity and induces cell death due to cell stress in 3D tissue models of anogenital precancers and cancers (2023)
08. April 2023

Hyperthermia is a well-accepted cancer therapy. Microwaves provide a very precise, targeted means of hyperthermia and are currently used to treat plantar warts caused by cutaneous-infective human papillomaviruses (HPVs). Other HPV genotypes infecting the anogenital mucosa cause genital warts or preneoplastic lesions or cervical cancer. Effective, non-ablative therapies for these morbid HPV-associated lesions are lacking.


Michaela J. Conley, Ilaria Epifano, Anna Kirk, Andrew Stevenson, Sheila V. Graham
Microwave hyperthermia represses human papillomavirus oncoprotein activity and induces cell death due to cell stress in 3D tissue models of anogenital precancers and cancers (2023)

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